Things to do before flying to England

So much to do before I can fly over. There is a lot of things that need to be done to make sure we’re not taking over unnecessary items. It’s a bit hard to know where to start sometimes so I’ve decided to start a list of the major things to do.  As each things gets crossed off it will mean that we are one step closer to being together.

  • Finish clinical
  • Eagle Project (May 7)
  • Ship pets (May 13)
  • Ship car
  • Pack, load and ship household goods (Surprise we’re starting May 27 without warning!)
  • Boys and Mom fly over
  • Take registry tests (June 15 and 16) I passed both!
  • Fly over (June 17th)

Originally published Apr 24, 2011, 18:11

2 thoughts on “Things to do before flying to England”

  1. Was browsing around and found this. Now to see if I can post. Your list is getting shorter and so is your time. Soon you will be reunited with your family! Exciting!

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